Don’t Forget the Encyclopedias … when you start your research paper. They are great sources for background information, refining your topic and search terms, finding relevant terminology etc. The library also provides access to many online encyclopedias including:
Collaborative Online Medical Encyclopedia Goes Live Medpedia, a new online medical encyclopedia relying on user-generated content from anyone with an M.D. or a Ph.D. in a biomedical field, officially became available today. The venture, which has the backing of numerous leading medical schools, was explored in an earlier Chronicle article that takes a detailed look at issues for contributors and users of the site. --David Shieh
As with all collaborative sites, you need to evaluate the articles. I found several grammatical errors in the first article that I read!
From a group of PhD students at Stanford University comes LABMEETING - a social website designed to "Make Science Easier". Organize your PDFs, discover new papers and manage your labs.