Wednesday, July 30, 2008

RefWorks Webinars for August

RefWorks is a citation management service that allows you to import citations from online article indexes and databases, organize and manage these references within folders, automatically format them within papers and create instant bibliographies in a variety of styles. Learn how to use RefWorks and discover its many benefits!

Sign up for a free account now (be sure you use your utd email address) and join one of these RefWorks webinars in August:

RefWorks Advanced Features
RefWorks in 15 Minutes
RefWorks Fundamentals
RefAwareWrite-N-Cite III for Windows

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Westlaw's Campus Research

McDermott Library is pleased to announce the availability of WestLaw’s Campus Research database, a valuable addition to the Library’s collection of electronic resources.

WestLaw’s Campus Research provides federal and state case law, including cases from the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Code Annotated, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, American Jurisprudence 2d, American Law Reports, some law materials from the European Union, and content from over 800 law reviews and journals.

You may access Campus Research immediately, both on campus and remotely (a valid UTD-ID is required for off-campus access), using the Library’s electronic legal resources page.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources, sponsored by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a global teaching and learning network of free-to-use resources. It includes K-12 lesson plans and college courseware for you to use, tag, rate, and review.

Here’s just one example of the great content in this site:
Looking for open resources on Climate Change?
Climate Change is a 5-minute video with lesson plans about the difference between weather and climate, for grades 6-12.
Climate Change Course is a college-level unit exploring the science that underpins climate change and global warming.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dictionaries, free online

Here are some free, online dictionaries from Oxford University Press:

Compact Oxford English Dictionary

Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (2nd Ed.)

Concise Dictionary of First Names

Thursday, July 10, 2008

STAT-USA/Internet & Daily Composite Quotations for U.S. Securities.

As of July 1, STAT-USA will no longer carry the Daily Composite Quotations for U.S. Securities. They have also removed the archives of these files from their site. However, they have obtained new files on government securities trading that may be of value:

Weekly reports on primary transactions in U.S. government securities, by type and by dollar value
Quarterly reports on primary securities dealers, ranked by their share of market activity
Year-to-date reports, updated quarterly, on the primary dealers’ trading in government securities

Monday, July 7, 2008

Business & Company Resource Center

Two major enhancements are now available to users of Business & Company Resource Center.

1) The addition of 35 new investment report providers.
· Over 1.5 million reports are available with a 3-year rolling backfile

2) A new & improved "Financials Tab." Now you can:
· Analyze a company across time
· Compare a company's financials to their competitors, or choose specific companies to compare
· Review annual or interim financial information, looking back up to 6 years or 5 interim periods
· Export the data

Interested in learning more? Attend a FREE webinar.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Citations and Style Manuals

The librarians have collected some helpful sites to help you prepare your bibliographies and works cited lists. From the library home page select Useful Web Sites (it is under Resources), then Citations and Style Manuals. I like the 3rd site in the list called Citation Style for Research Papers (Long Island U.) It gives good advice on plagiarism and it covers APA, Turabian, MLA, Chicago and AMA styles.